This is some terror on two wheels, man. Now that the warm weather is here, the gangs have their bikes out and they're roaming the roads, pouncing on the weakest of the herd. And you'd better keep your nose up because their next victim could be YOU!
Scary shit I tell you. I don't trust biker gangs one bit. They're always smiling as I pass cautiously in my car. It makes me think they're up to something. I'm afraid that they know that a half a mile down the road a monstrous swarm of bikers will emerge from a hidden driveway and swoop in on me and kick my ass. Biker gangs are like wild hunting dogs. Lean, mean, and fierce as a motherfucker.
And they're armed to the teeth too. Oh yeah, you didn't know? Let me tell you, under each biker's faggoty yellow spandex suit lies an arsenal of no less than 12 deadly weapons. You'd never know it by looking at them, but they're there and the bikers DO use them. Semi-autos, crossbows, even some of these daunting things. Serious fucking business.
You see biker gangs a lot, but every so often you'll see a rider travelling alone. Or so you think. For every lone rider you see, I guarantee you there are at least 25 bikers covering him from the wings. You never see them though. They're like ninjas. You fuck with the lone rider and your ass is grass before you even realize what's going on.
Biker gangs, you come from the worst part of hell, and I'm onto you. I hide my family in the attic when I see you rolling slowly down my street like a swarm of locusts in protective headgear. You frighten children without remorse. Alas, there is not much we can do. We're the prey and you're the predator and you're simply too powerful for us to fight back. So for now the only thing we can really do is to not poke the bear.
I've said what I need to and I'm happy with it. Oh, and stop taking up so much space on the damn road. Honestly...trying to drive here.
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