Friday, February 20, 2009


Yesterday President Obama made his first stop to Canada as I'm sure you're aware. I tried to follow it the best I could and as it turned out the media started fixating on something dumb as usual. I'm talking about the fact that he stopped into a store afterwards to buy some Beavertails and maple leaf cookies.

Does anyone care? The answer, my friends, is yes. Because today on the news I hear that that very store's Beavertail and cookie sales have shot up since Obama visited. Some people are really fucking stupid. There is entirely too much Obama-worship going on.

Look, I know that the majority is happy that Obama got elected and happy with the job he's done so far. I don't have a problem with that. Be happy that he got elected. Be proud of him. But some people just have to take things way too far. They treat him like he's God himself and worship every little thing he does.

What's the point of buying things from the same store as Obama bought something from for no other reason other than the fact that Obama bought something there? Are you suddenly better than everyone else for having done so? Do you now have some unspoken, spiritual connection with Obama? I don't get it.

In the news segment there were people interviewed who actually said that they would not have bought a Beavertail there if Obama hadn't. So I'm not just making this up. These people have nothing going on and I have no hope for them.

Half of this country would start drinking piss with breakfast every morning if Time magazine told them Obama did.

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