OK, look, I'm not going to get all worked up about this. I'm not going to go around shrieking "How dare you use Jimi's legacy to sell stupid crap to people?! He wasn't about that, man!" I'm not going to become one of those people that thinks they know what a dead celebrity would have wanted. Hell, maybe if Jimi were alive today he'd be all for his own energy drink. I don't know and neither does anyone else. I'm well aware that Jimi's likeness and legacy has been used to sell other stuff. This is not the first time this has happened so getting overly worked up is just kind of pointless.
But after all that is said, I just think it's a stupid idea. Apparently this is old news, but I just heard about it today. It's just dumb. How does Hendrix have anything to do with caffeinated beverages? It doesn't make any sense. If you must use Hendrix to sell something, why not make a product that actually relates to him? Put his face on a guitar or a headband or tabs of acid.
Beverages? I don't know, I guess you could put his picture on bottles of liquor. But you'd have to sell them with little baggies of barbiturates attached to the neck to really get the point across. An energy drink...I mean, you might as well sell Janis Joplin's Long Distance Savings. I just don't see any correlation between the two.
Why do we need more energy drinks anyway? Energy drinks are garbage and there are too many of them as it is. I never choose energy drinks for the pep, always just the flavour. They don't even work. At least not for me. Maybe they work for some people, but I'm willing to bet that a lot of the people who think they work are just experiencing a placebo affect. I mean, I've gulped down energy drinks and then gone to bed 20 minutes later. For me, I enjoy the taste, but I'm not about to claim that they're giving me a boost.
I like Hendrix as much as the next guy but I'm not going to run out and buy a drink just because his picture is on it. I'd rather spend years learning to play the guitar until I was better than Jimi ever was. Then I'd get my own god dammed energy drink. And on launch day I'd exclaim "Ha! You fucking morons! You'd all drink my piss if I sold it to you in a can, wouldn't you?" People will buy anything.
Yeah, Jimi's picture will be used to sell other stupid crap in the future. I'm not going to throw a hissy fit every time this happens. I just want you to know in advance that I think it's fucking nonsense.