I don't understand the logic. Maybe it's because we work a fairly low-maintenance job. They think being there for a shift is unnecessary. I got a call from a co-worker tonight saying he got tied up with some stuff and wouldn't be in.
Hello? I believe you accepted a job. Not an "I'll show if it doesn't interfere with my other plans" gig. Another person I work with has left 3 hours early the past two Saturdays to go visit her father in the hospital because visiting hours end at 8pm. Again, hello? I'm sorry your dad is in the hospital but you're supposed to be working a job. You find time to visit him when you're not supposed to be at work. That's fundamentally how a job works. She would routinely leave early in the winter if the weather got bad outside because she had to drive a while to get home. I've got news. I drive an hour to get home from work and I'm always there to the end of my shift.
It's a boring job sometimes, but you're being paid to do it. You base your plans on when you have to work, you don't base when you work on what your plans are. I feel paranoid leaving a half-hour early on the rare occasions that I do it, hoping my boss won't show up 10 minutes after I've left and see I'm not there. A half hour (or less) is different than 3 hours though and everything that needs to be done is done before I leave.
Fuck 'em though. If they get caught and their ass gets canned they brought it on themselves. I'm not picking up any slack for them. It's just the principle that gets to me. Work is work. It's not optional. If work ruins your plans you show up and bitch about it like everyone else. You might be in a bad mood but, hey, at least you can say you're responsible.
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