I'm on to something here. I'm starting to figure it out. It's all becoming clear.
For years I assumed the people blaring shitty music from their vehicles were just assholes. I thought that they were brain dead gangstas who were so insecure about themselves that they chose to play their music loud enough that everyone within a two mile radius would hear it in hopes that one or two people would perk up, march over and ask if they could be peeps 4 lyfe.
My God, I feel simply terrible. How could I have been so insensitive? How, I ask you?! I've recently started putting the pieces of the puzzle together and I've come across a startling discovery.
SHITTY SUBSTANCELESS MUSIC DEVOID OF ANY SOUL CAUSES GRADUAL HEARING LOSS. You heard it hear, folks. Take a moment to gather your thoughts before continuing if you need to. I'll understand. When I came to this realization I sank back in my chair and felt an overwhelming wave of guilt wash over me and it stayed with me for days.
All of these years I've been criticizing these poor souls. The unfortunate truth is that they're oblivious to the fact that this is even happening to them. They aren't assholes, they're victims! The nerve I had...
I encourage everyone, if you're waiting at a red light and one of these lost causes rolls up beside you playing Flo Rida so loud that the bass is making your car fall apart, don't curse him, salute him! Show him your support. He is in the Profound Stage of hearing loss and needs your love. Put yourself in his shoes for a minute and you'll soon realize that this man can barely hear his own music. To you it sounds like an atomic bomb exploding but to him it must sound like the quiet murmur of a clock radio gently lulling someone into a good night's sleep.
Now, don't go kissing my hand and thanking me repeatedly for making this discovery just yet. I'm still studying this phenomenon. Working out the bugs, you know how it is. What I know so far is that it's definitely just shitty substanceless music devoid of any soul. You never see any cars driving through town blaring Lynyrd Skynyrd or Debussy. It's always hip hop and awful techno music. That's because Skynyrd and Debussy wrote with feeling and passion and their music was good. Hip Hop and awful techno music are not. When your music is good, your hearing is good and there's no need for the blare-a-thon, do you follow?
However, I'm still trying to find precisely what it is about awful music that causes hearing loss in the first place. I have a theory, but I'm going to need to work with a crack team of researchers to determine whether or not it has any merit.
It involves the old saying "Music feeds the soul." There may be some truth to it. Now, I'm no expert on souls (again, this is where the crack R&D department comes in), but could it be possible that our soul resides in our ears? It's a bit out there, I know, but bear with me. Okay, supposing our souls reside in our ears, music feeds the soul, and given the fact that hip hop, rap, and shitty techno can barely be classified as music (this is scientifically proven), would this not lead to our souls becoming malnourished? Souls in ears...malnourished...hearing loss? I'm fucking onto something here!
Tomorrow I will visit the Canadian Hearing Society and share this with them. I hope to work closely with their team to get to the bottom of this and stop the insanity. So please, please, please donate what you can. It doesn't have to be this way.
Music blarers: They're not assholes, they're victims. God bless.
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