Shrooms are bad. Very bad. You should not eat them. Please. Do not eat them.
Because magic mushrooms are drugs. And drugs are bad. They have no positive qualities. The government has done extensive testing on this. They, as a collective few people, have actually determined what is good for every single person in this country and what isn't. I'm still getting over the shock myself. I find it truly stunning that my country's government knows more about how I will react to a substance I haven't even ingested than I do.
Jeez, these guys seem really smart. I should listen to them. After all, they are my elected officials. They know more than me and they know what's good for me. I don't know how, but they do. Don't question it, just accept. Doing otherwise makes you a terrorist. You don't want to be a terrorist, do you?
People who do shrooms are bad. Scum. They are equivalent to homeless crack addicts. If they happen to share their so called "revelations" with you, pay no attention. It's because they're on drugs. If they refute, don't worry. They're on drugs. Anything they tell you about is their delusional recollection of things that they imagined which do not exist.
We are not one. We have enemies. Iraqis! Apparently they're the "bad" trend for this season. They are not like us. We must destroy them. They do not have families or
Enough about the government. Shrooms. Damn you, shrooms. Damn you for growing naturally on this planet, first of all. You're a fucking huge inconveniece to law makers who somehow have the authority to make certain things that aren't even man-made illegal. How dare you?
Damn you for instilling an overwhelming feeling of love into countless people. Love. I repeat, LOVE. Undoubtedly the most dangerous emotion of all. Didn't Hitler invent love? Positive emotions certainly aren't tolerated by our leaders (who know everything, once again) and must be stopped.
Damn you for showing people there is more to the world than American Idol, jobs, money, taxes, laws, and miracle diets. The absolute nerve you have, shrooms, of letting us know that our physical bodies are here for 75, 80 years, but consciousness is for eternity. The fucking audacity you have to show us that the petty bullshit we deal with day in and day out DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER.
Hold on, hold on. My prime minister, my leader, his minions? They don't matter in the long run? The things they tell me to do and what not to do...they're completely irrelevant? Their power is all a huge fucking illusion? We are all the same consciousness experiencing itself as billions of separate entities as we speak and there is no need for greed, corruption, slander, racism, violence, and warfare?
Shrooms? You're making people severely second guess the integrity of
Well, I'm certainly glad you're illegal. You have no business in this society. You unquestionably destroy every life you enter and....I don't know....you're incredibly addictive and you make people want to rape their fathers. That work for you? Father rapers!
...And you taste bad. If you're going to open and expand minds, isn't a watermelon aftertaste the least you can do? Seriously.
you have a mental problem. get over your anger with life and stop being so damn biased to one idea. if you choose not to do drugs, good for you, but there is two sides to everything and listening to the other side (which our government does) is only fair. if you believe your right and everyone else is wrong, prepare to live a lonely life. good day to you
ReplyDeleteI guess Chris has never heard of sarcasm before. sheesh...