You fucking moron! Why the fuck did you think it was a good idea to drink somewhere between 19 and 23 beers?! I mean, I know that's totally like the most you've ever drank in your life by far and whatnot, but what the fuck?!
Why the fuck would you lie down on the bedroom floor "to rest for a sec" knowing full well you wouldn't be coming back up? Remember how you woke up in bed this morning with the radio still on thinking "What happened...?" Remember how you spent 10 minutes blindly searching your room for your lost glasses? That means you're a fucking idiot and you overdid it. Fuck you!
Here's a tip: when you puke, you're done. That doesn't mean your body is freeing up space for 7 more beers.
Sure, it was your night off work and all that, but for God's sake, use a little discretion, man! You're better than that.
*Sorry, folks. Consider this last night's update. More to come later on today!*
who took the picture?