Please, bee, please! Go the fuck away! I don't have anything for you! These aren't the droids you're looking for! Fuck off!
These bees have to be near the top of my "Raw Hatred" list that I have saved on my computer. Every so often I'll print out a copy and torch it or throw darts at it or grenade it just to blow off steam. No matter how many times I destroy it, nothing on the list seems to go away. Especially hovering bees.
All they do is dart around you like you're a flower or something. The won't get out of my face and when they get near the crotch that's when I start sweating. One wrong move and I'll have a cock the size of my forearm. Which, on second thought, might not be all that bad.
I'd love to know what the bee is thinking as it's being such an asshole. It has to be one of two things:
1) "Dum de dum de dooooo....doo doo dee dee dooooo....dee dee dum de dooo..."
2) (snicker, snicker, snicker) "You're pissed off, aren't ya? I'm just gonna go ahead and keep buzzing around your face for a few more minutes as you go batshit crazy. (snicker, snicker) Damn, it's good to be a bee. I could do this all day and there's nothing you can do about it. Swing at me, pussy, just try it. I'll getcha! (snicker, snicker) Naaah, I'll leave you alone for now. I'm outs to pick up some fine-ass bee bitches, son! Peace!"
Even though it's most likely #1, deep down I wish it would be #2. Just because it would be awesome if bees were actually badass like that and had bee bitches. I'll bet bee bitches are super easy and suck a mean stinger.
What was I talking about again?
Oh yeah...fuck off, bees!
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