May I deliver a message the 15-year old girl "Aerosmith fans" out there? Yes?
Fuck you.
Perhaps there were a few in that bunch that didn't deserve it. I'd like to say that I'm an Aerosmith fan. But I'm not one of the bullshit fans I'm posting about tonight.
Aerosmith is not about being a fucking sex symbol. As far as I can tell, no one in Aerosmith is "sexy". Aerosmith is about being at death's door and then coming back and still making good music.
Old school Aerosmith fans get it. Teenage girls don't. Steven Tyler is not sexy. He looks like a meth addict. And that's the point. Aerosmith IS...WAS... drugs. They've been there. They are not there to make 14 year old girls wet. They are not the Backstreet Boys. Aerosmith is about sex, drugs, and rock and roll, not exclusively "he's so hot!"
Back in the day Steven Tyler was looking for coke and a cigarette, not 14 year olds telling him that "Dream On was awesome!" You didn't scream to Joe Perry that he was sexy. You put a good cigar in his mouth, lit it, and hoped that he would look at you in gratitude.
Aerosmith is not for teenage wimps. They are for people who have been doing cocaine for 14 hours straight and are now at least 10 beers deep.
Aerosmith shouldn't be applauded for their sexiness, they should be applauded for their ability to persevere through incredible drug abuse. Aerosmith is badass, not sexy. That is all.
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