Oh no, oh HAIL no! You gotta be joking me. No, no, no, no. This cannot be.
Today I found out that the United States president, yes, the man you all look up to, get this....SMOKES!!! He smokes! Cigarettes! Can you believe it?! Questionably THE most popular man on the planet right now....he SMOKES!
I, for one, can't believe this and will not tolerate it. The last thing a man in charge of a country at war should be doing is getting cancer. He smokes! I still can't believe it! This is definitely headline news. People should know about the U.S. president's habit. As far as I'm concerned, this is way more important than the state of the economy, the war, the events in Iran, and even the government keeping UFOs under wraps. Seriously! The president of the United States of America...SMOKES CIGARETTES!!!
I honestly can't understand why the media is not all over this. He's smoking! Cigarettes! Doesn't President Obama know that cigarettes are bad for you? Isn't he worried about getting the cancer? It hasn't even been a day since I found out and I still can't believe the president of the U.S. smokes!
Seriously, there should be impeachment immediately. I mean, the president smokes! Do you honestly think a SMOKER could run America? I think not. All smokers get cancer and we can't have the U.S. president dying in a year because he SMOKES!
I mean, what's next? A heroin using president? Presidents of the U.S. should:
-be white
-be male
-be a virgin
-be Christian
-never have ingested any of the devil's drugs
-enjoy only things that the......well....no. Enjoy nothing. Whatever it is, it's a sin, it's unhealthy, and it's WRONG!!!
God damn. The president of the U.S. smokes. I never thought I'd see the day. This is what happens when you let young people vote. You should have to be at least 40 to vote. Anyone under 40 can't make logical decisions. Especially in regards to SMOKING!!!
The president smokes. This is truly the end of the world. The internet agrees with me.
Franklin Rossevelt led this country in a time of war, not to mention out of a depression. I think your just a covert racist...