As I was saying, WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?!
I've known that Britain was a big surveillance state, but this crosses the fucking line.
I urge you to read the link and look into it more, but if you're too lazy to even do that, here's a paragraph that sums it up:
According to the report, the government will use the cameras to make sure the kids are doing their homework and going to bed on time. They will engage in 'behavioural contracts' with the parents and ensure certain duties are met.
IS THIS A FUCKING JOKE?! Hold on...calendar check.
Nope, it really is August, not April. I can't believe I'm reading this! Do I need to fucking say it again? Government, politicians, dipshits:
STAY....(are you with me?)...OUT....(still there?)... OF PEOPLES' FUCKING LIVES!
I'm really get fed up with all these governments that feel the need to intervene into and have complete control over every aspect of everyone's life. The government does not own us (them) and they have no right to do this. It's downright sickening. What kind of evil, drivel-brained assdicks dreamed up this idea in the first place? I'd surely love to pound their fucking skulls in with a baseball bat until their brains are all over the sidewalk. Maybe if I can speak directly to their splattered grey matter instead of trying to get through their thick-ass heads, they'll GET A GOD DAMN CLUE.*
But wait a second. If I have nothing to hide, why should I be worrying?
Can you stop with this absolute bullshit question? Every fucking time a privacy issue is raised I hear this. Fine. If you're that fucking dense, be my guest. Give up every last right you currently have. Please forward me your banking information, your complete internet history, which
Don't you see? Everyone has something to hide. But oh, I'm just a random guy. Not government officials who are doing things in your best interest. Why would you disclose anything to me? The government(s) are corrupt. They don't give a fuck about you. They do give a fuck about having complete control over you however. We need to stop giving up our rights left, right, and centre.
Nobody needs these corrupt, greedy, power-hungry, shit-for-brains, dickweed cocksuckers making sure they're raising their children to set guidelines. Again, the government does not own you or your family. The fact that I even have to rant about this happening is abhorrent.
Oh and...(insert obligatory Nineteen Eighty-Four reference or comparison).
*I don't condone or support physical violence. Just trying to get my point across. Uh...I hope you're all writing those stern letters...
As long as the phuckin' "Royal" brats are bein' watched and ordered too.....GOOD!