This is it, folks. Guitar Hero is never going to end. It started with Aerosmith and then Metallica. There are rumours of a Van Halen game and a Hendrix game. I think you can see where this is going. They're just going to keep making Guitar Hero games for every guitarist who ever lived. Guitar Hero: Clapton, Guitar Hero: Zeppelin, I'm pretty sure you'll see them eventually.
When I'm 70 years old I'll still be hearing morons shitting a brick over the new Guitar Hero. It's never going to end. Well, not never. It'll end sometime, but not in the near future. They'll run out of good bands eventually and I hope when that happens they'll call it in. The minute I hear of Guitar Hero: Jonas Brothers I'm going to get my knife.
Why do idiots think they're God's gift to the world when they can finally play Dragonforce? It's stupid. It shouldn't even be called Guitar Hero. It should be called Faggoty Plastic Toy Hero. Morons post videos on Youtube of their friend playing "Through the Fire and Flames" and get all worked up about it. It's always some wiry teenage fucker wearing a baseball cap over his eyes and the whole video is just him standing there going click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click. He doesn't whoop or cheer when he finishes the song, no, he puts on his "I'm such a badass" attitude. Congratulations. You are now adequate at manipulating a children's toy. I bow down to you, sir.
I'm not going to waste my time with paragraphs telling these people to pick up a real instrument and do something useful. It's been done, just like complaining about Guitar Hero. But I strongly suggest that these people re-evaluate their hobbies.
Seriously, enough Guitar Hero. Just give it a rest. This also goes for Rock Band, or as I like to call it, Faggots Bashing Plastic and Rubber Rhythmically.
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